Customers to manufacture strap clips 13 and 16 mm of poly strapping in Latin America

Customers to manufacture strap clips 13 and 16 mm of poly strapping in Latin America

We have many customers in Latin American countries. Here is an example of a customer from Peru

To machine poly-strapping clip-both -13 mm- and -16 mm- which buy two machines from us.



We also have customer from Ecuadorैं ecuador customer for-strapping clip-machines

and customers from Guatemalaguatemala customer for-strapping clip-machine

and customers from Paraguay customer from paraguay for poly-strapping clip-machine

and other customers so please see the world map with customers on the mapें wrold map for customer of-strapping clip-machines


Customers to manufacture -13 mm- and -16 mm- poly -strapping clip-s in Latin America100


Customers to manufacture -13 mm- and -16 mm- poly -strapping clip-s in Latin America200




For more information please contact us and offer you with detailed analysis based on your individual condition and us for return on investment of the poly-strapping clip-machine


frequently Asked question

What is poly strapping? 


How many types of poly -strapping clip-s are there for closing poly straps? 


How much monthly investment return, or return on investment (ROI) will we get? 

Do you have a video of manufacturing both a -13 mm- poly-strapping clip-and a -16 mm- poly strapping seal?


Do you have customers in Latin American countries? Customer for -13 mm- and -16 mm- poly -strap clips- manufacturing in Latin America


Do you have a customer for this type of poly plastic strapping sealing machine in Ecuador? yes we can Customer for -13 mm- and -16 mm- poly -strap clips- manufacturing in Latin America